FMD Community

We are connected with over
30.000 filmmakers!


Filmemacher Deutschland (FMD) is primarily an online community. The group was founded in 2012 and to date is one of the largest German-speaking film communities in the world. Creatives in the industry have found each other here to exchange information, organize themselves and get news from the film scene. Up to 8.000 active members share information daily, and this community's great potential is particularly apparent in the rapid recruitment of talent.

Tariq Khan
Your Contact for the Community Section



Filmemacher meets Industry


The best. Flexible. Cross-linked.



FMD represents the most important link between upcoming creative artists, professional and ambitious filmmakers with companies and brands in the industry. Whether information from the field of film and photo equipment or recruitment for projects and productions. FMD connects members of the community or hires them for its own productions, whether as assistants, FMD representatives or interns. There is no bigger pool of professional filmmakers in Europe.

Talent recruitment






Product placement












Become part of the community

Connect with 30.000 filmmakers! 🚀
Join our Facebook community and get access to the latest news and project ideas in the video production industry.

Get to know our team of moderators


Community care requires an extensive attention span. 24/7 to be exact. Our community experts are at the heart of this work. They process membership requests, communicate with members on a daily basis, and provide advice and support in the event of conflicts.

Olcan Akcay

Designer and photographer

Sebastian Leitner

Producer and film editor from Berlin




Community Power

Additional projects

Analog events

Filmfestival Opening Party


Every year at the start of the Berlinale we celebrate the Film Festival Opening Party in Berlin with over 1500 party-minded people from the creative industry. According to "Mit Vergnügen" we were one of the biggest public parties around the Berlinale in the last years. We are looking forward to raise a glass to the festive season together with the community, other creatives, stars and celebrities.



Life All Stars e.V.


We created our charity Life All Stars because in the social media era we saw the possibility and necessity to support aid projects in developing countries quickly and efficiently with donations. In doing so, we ensure complete transparency and cooperate with influencers, travel with them to the destinations and report LIVE on the ground. We make sure that 100% of the donations arrive where they are intended. 

The FMD community also plays an important role here, as we bring valuable content creators for the aid projects onto the team.



With the community into Web 3.0


Together with the FMD community and the Oculus Quest virtual reality glasses, we create digital worlds and opportunities to communicate with each other. From virtual meetups to creative work models. We stay true to our company values and live remote!


Wondering what we can do for you?

Everything! And even then we are happy to add on! Convince yourself.